Can Yoga Help Fibromylagia Sufferers?

Integrative medicine resources

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic rheumatic condition whereby an individual suffers from musculoskeletal pain, hypocortisolism and fatigue. Furthermore, an individual can develop depression as a consequence of FM. Around 90% of sufferers are women. Many practitioners of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) advocate Yoga therapy as an important component of lifestyle advice for Fibromylagia.

A 2011 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) study examined the effect yoga has on pain, psychological variables, cortisol and mindfulness in women prior and after yoga intervention.

During this 8-week study, 22 females took part in 16, 75-minute yoga classes. Prior, during and post-intervention the women were given questionnaires to determine the levels of pain, anxiety, depression and mindfulness. In addition, cortisol levels were measured by collecting salivary samples three times a day prior, and post intervention.

The study concluded that yoga may have the ability to cause a decline in pain and catastrophizing. Similarly, yoga has shown to demonstrate its ability to cause an incline in acceptance, mindfulness and alter levels of cortisol in women with FM; this is a common integrative healthcare solution protocol for FM.. The researchers concluded, ‘The changes in mindfulness and cortisol levels may provide preliminary evidence for mechanisms of a yoga program for women with FM. Future studies should use an RCT design with a larger sample size’.

Yoga can be of use in helping Fibromylagia sufferers. The best advice one can give is that it is important that one uses a specialised ’yoga therapy’ program where only certain asanas are used i.e. aanas that relieve the pain in the specific areas, by increasing the affected prana/chi to balance the energy in the area. Best practice integrative healthcare solutions would also include meditation, appropriate diet and the use of herbal therapy.

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