
The Red Meat Debate!

The WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, recently reported that red and processed meats have the potential to cause cancer.The Red Meat Debate!

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Yoga therapy is useful in treating PTSD

Integrative Medicine

Doctor with female patient

Many suffer from the anxiety disorder known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Although there are pharmaceutical medications that can help these patients, many seek alternative drug-free treatment for a variety of reasons.

For thousands of years Yoga therapy has been a useful Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapy in the treatment of anxiety and a recent research study has shown its effectiveness in treating PTSD. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk is one of the world’s leading authorities on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Yoga, one of the top ten most widely practiced forms of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in the US. It includes: breathing exercises, asanas, relaxation and mindfulness.

A randomised controlled trial was conducted by van der Kolk et al in 2014 on PTSD. The trial participants suffered with chronic PTSD and were unresponsive to prior PTSD treatment. All participants were female and aged 18-58 years old. In total 64 patients were recruited and were divided into two groups. One group received trauma informed yoga and the other group received educated classes. Each session lasted one hour and 10 sessions were given, one per week (total 10 weeks).

The Yoga Group reported reduced dissociative symptoms, approaching statistical significance. Statistically significant decreases in affect dysregulation and increases in tension reduction activities were also reported by the Yoga Group.

This again highlights the use of incorporating integrative healthcare solutions to combat common stress disorders and the value of exercise lifestyle advice such as Yoga; as reflected by the researchers conclusion; ‘It urges us to expand our more traditional “toolkits” and to embrace the mind-body integration that should help lead to better treatment outcomes and safer communities’.